Homemade No Sugar Ketchup
Serves 8+ Adapted from http://wellnessmama.com/4999/homemade-ketchup/
  • 3 jars or BPA free cans of Tomato Paste (Bionature brand preferred-glass container, organic and superb flavor)
  • ½ cup raw apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 2 generous pinches allspice
  • 1 pinch of clove
  • Optional: pinch of cayenne
  • Or
  • Optional: pinch of white pepper
  • About 1/4-1/2 teaspoons pure stevia liquid (Please start with 1/4 teaspoon and taste as you go--there's so much variation in sweetness and bitterness from brand to brand. Also, read the label--there's so much junk some companies add to stevia products. We find that 1/4 teaspoon Sweet Leaf brand stevia does the trick.)
  • 1 teaspoon high mineral sea salt
  • Water (start with 1/2 cup and add a little at a time until desired thickness; you may use as much as a cup if your brand of tomato paste is uber pasty)
  1. Put the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend well. Adjust seasoning to taste. Keep in mind that the full flavor will not be reached immediately. Put ketchup in fridge to let flavors meld overnight, or at least for two hours.
  2. Optional: This is more work, but tastes great. You can slowly simmer your ketchup to mellow out the vinegar and stevia as well as merge the spices. It also tastes sweeter and more like bottled ketchup this way. Taste it after about 15-20 minutes to see if mellowing and merging has indeed occurred.
  3. Cool and store in a glass container. If you are making ketchup for our meatloaf recipe, no need to simmer, as you will get this effect when it bakes in the oven.
Recipe by Spoonful of Paradise at http://spoonfulofparadise.com/no-sugar-ketchup/